As the use of hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) technologies has increased in the United States, so have concerns about its impacts on human health and the environment. In response, the US Congress has requested the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to conduct a comprehensive study designed to provide both policymakers and the general public with reliable scientific information about the potential risks associated with hydraulic fracturing. At the close of 2012, the EPA published an update (pdf) on the ongoing study of the relationship between hydraulic fracturing and drinking water resources. The update highlights research progress as of September 2012.
EPA releases update on study of hydraulic fracturing
Proposed rule changes for hydraulic fracturing in Texas
Last week, we posted a blog article discussing the hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) process as well as environmental concerns associated with the practice. Although there is no conclusive evidence that the fracturing of shale formations poses hazards to the environment, the preparation, construction, and drilling of well sites – in addition to disposal of flowback fluids, and transportation of materials – have been shown to represent potential threats to groundwater quality.
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Hydraulic fracturing and the chemicals involved
Hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” – a method for extracting natural gas from shale formations deep below ground – is currently a topic of frequent discussion.
So what exactly is fracking?
This video explains the basics of the process:
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A custom ranch or farm map makes a unique holiday gift!
A custom map makes an ideal gift for the holidays. We can produce a detailed map for any property in the United States. Delight a landowner friend or relative with an attractive and detailed wall map that will last for generations. You provide the coordinates and location of important landmarks, and we deliver a family heirloom that documents and displays your ancestral landholdings.
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Interview with J.B. Bleckley – founder of Banks Environmental Data
The Banks Group has been in business now for over 30 years. I recently had an opportunity to sit down with J.B. Bleckley – founder, president, and CEO of Banks Environmental Data – to talk about how the company has evolved.
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New Jersey case highlights need for environmental due diligence in residential transactions
Image: Sean O’Flaherty
In recent years it has become clear that home buyers need to be just as mindful of conducting environmental due diligence as commercial property owners. As we develop and redevelop properties, determining prior uses is crucial in mitigating environmental risk.
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