Can social media save Texas? #txdrought

Madena Lake

Texas lakes, rivers and aquifers have become ghosts of their former selves. Lake Meredith in Amarillo has fallen to 0% capacity and many other lakes are dangerously low. In hopes of addressing the drought crisis, Texans will vote in November on whether to appropriate $2 billion for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) to fund local water projects across the state.

According to the Texas Tribune, there have already been thousands of proposed projects from cities, counties, and rural water groups submitted. The combined cost of submissions totals nearly $53 billion. While the projects greatly exceed the $2 billion fund currently on the ballot, many observers see the upcoming vote as a first step toward greater investment in state water resources.
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Determining the social cost of carbon emissions

In 2009, the Obama administration formed the Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon. The group draws on the latest science and data models to calculate the costs and benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions through federal regulations. According to the agency, calculations of the social cost of carbon (SCC) have been conducted to…

“…allow agencies to incorporate the social benefits of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into cost-benefit analyses of regulatory actions that impact cumulative global emissions. The SCC is an estimate of the monetized damages associated with an incremental increase in carbon emissions in a given year. It is intended to include (but is not limited to) changes in net agricultural productivity, human health, property damages from increased flood risk, and the value of ecosystem services due to climate change.”

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Lending services to non-profits makes me happy

At Banks Environmental Data, I have the opportunity to work on various environmental projects representing a wide range of applications for both public and private sectors. It is always a privilege to work on any environmental study whether it’s a new road project, wind farm, large oil and gas tract, or standard commercial property transaction. I especially enjoy working with non-profit organizations (NPOs) because the projects are unique and require custom solutions. Unlike many confidential projects, I get to learn about the organization, the goal of the project, and how our services can help accomplish the organization’s mission. NPOs, like many companies and organizations, often have specific due diligence requirements tailored to their own objectives. I specialize in customizing any product for any project. Working on NPO projects gives me the sense that I am member of the team working toward a common goal.
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Supreme Court denies Texas claim to Oklahoma water

RRC-Reach II Depiction-201300206-v4a-1

Texas policymakers emphasizing additional water resources over conservation

On Thursday, June 11, 2013 the United States Supreme Court denied Texas’s claim to a stretch of the Red River, which extends into Oklahoma territory. This decision was the end of Tarrant Regional Water District’s (TRWD) $6 million attempt to secure more water for the rapidly growing Dallas-Fort Worth area. With increasing population in a state hard-hit by drought, this case is a prime example of the region’s desperate search for water.
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City directory searches now providing more for less

A city directory search is a tool used by environmental professionals to identify historical tenants of nearby buildings, which aids in developing an understanding of the activities surrounding a target property.

We are excited to announce that our city directory report just became more powerful. Previously, we offered two different types of city directory searches – a standard search and a premium search. Due to the superior quality of the premium search and positive feedback from clients, we have decided to offer it exclusively. In addition, we have reduced the price considerably to make your dollar go even further when conducting a Phase I assessment with Banks.
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Introducing new and improved environmental database reports!

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved ASTM/AAI Database Reports. We’ve spent over a year developing this new reporting tool with one goal in mind:

To make environmental regulatory reporting easier for you.
ASTM database report

  • Less bulk: same detailed report but more concise and convenient (up to 50% fewer pages!)
  • Improved imagery, topo, and street basemaps
  • Redesigned PST/LPST details for faster review
  • Handy PDF bookmarks for each report section
  • Integrated hyperlinks for easy navigation
  • Convenient “add pipeline” function
  • Clearly displayed ZIP code boundary map
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    Posted in Environmental data, Oil & gas, Phase I ESA | Comments Off on Introducing new and improved environmental database reports!