You spoke and we listened. Banks ENV Data is now integrated with Quire – the cloud based report writing application. If you are already a Quire user, choose the Banks option when ordering data for your next report and add your Banks ENV data seamlessly.
Continue readingBanks ENV Data + Quire
Draw and Edit Feature Class in ArcGIS Pro
This is part 2 in our how-to series for ArcGIS Pro. Check out our previous post on georeferencing here: Georeferencing A Site Map
One of the most notable differences between ESRI’s ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro is the process used to create new shapefiles and feature classes. Use the walkthrough below to learn how to draw your own polygon and create an editable feature class in ArcGIS Pro. Continue reading
Georeferencing a site map in ArcGIS Pro
There are endless tips and tricks you can learn when using GIS software to increase efficiency and simplify your workflow – use the walkthrough below to learn how to georeference a site map (or other image files) using ArcGIS Pro.
What is Georeferencing?
National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)
How to Help the Texas Coast Using GIS
Millions of people have been affected by Hurricane Harvey, and many more are looking for some way to help. Information is needed on the effects of the damage so that officials can move forward with coordinating recovery efforts. Organizations such as GISCorps, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and Tomnod are among the groups trying to fill in the gaps.