Happy National Petroleum Day! Petroleum is critical for many of the things we love in this world. Plastics, synthetic fabrics, fertilizers, cosmetics, pill capsules, paints, asphalt, crayons, candles, tires, detergents, inks, antifreeze, chewing gum, shampoo, and parachutes all involve petroleum derived items, and of course much of the energy that makes the modern world possible is sourced from petroleum. Fun etymology fact of the day; “Petra” is Greek for “Rocks” and “oleum” is Latin for “Oil”, making this word a confused mismatch of languages ultimately meaning Rock Oil. Because apparently someone once thought it just seeped out of rocks the way pork fat greases up a table beneath a rack of bacon, and that someone only vaguely remembered his classical languages.
Here at Banks Environmental Data, we love our Oil and Gas Clients. Of course, Joe, at Banks Oil and Gas, has been working with drillers, disposal well operators, and many other industry types for decades now, but even at Banks Environmental, we get some of our most interesting jobs from the petroleum industry.
The Oil & Gas Well Report:
Our flagship product for these folks is our Oil and Gas Well Report. We can search anywhere in the US and provide details about any oil and gas drilling or production that has occurred in an area around your site. Exact data varies by state, but in most areas we have key information like type of production, well depth, drill dates, plugging status, and owner/operator. In Texas we even have pipeline routes and information, something all other 49 states and the federal government consider to be classified information but here in Texas we don’t worry about that sort of thing.
This report is great for drillers, of course, but is also often ordered by environmental professionals looking to survey sites of interest for potential pollutant sources. Do you need to know if there are oil wells in your area? Banks Environmental’s Oil and Gas Well Report has your answer, whether your area is a point, line, or large, complicated polygon. Call (512-478-0059) or email us today to discuss your project! Usually we can produce these reports very quickly, to a high professional standard, and at a reasonable cost.
Custom GIS Mapping:
But our large database and extensive mapping experience means that you aren’t just limited to a standard oil and gas report. For example, we were once talking to a guy who operated a disposal well and he said, “You know, I have been thinking. It sure would be nice to know the names and locations of the most significant operators within an hour’s drive of our facility.” And soon enough, his dream was made into a reality, with a high resolution PDF delivered to his inbox, and a bespoke, professional, and accurate large format map printed out and shipped to his office.
We have experience taking vague ideas of what would be nice to know or have a reference for and turning that into custom GIS products. We might not have every possible answer, but we have a lot in our database already and extensive experience with finding more. So give us a call (512-478-0059) or email us today! We are GIS people and we are data people, these sorts of projects are always interesting, large or small, and we really enjoy putting out professional products we can both be proud of.