Thanks to the TCEQ EnviroMentor program, Central Texas Boy Scouts will soon be able to safely hydrate using water from a water well on site.
Government regulations have a reputation for being difficult to understand and comply with. Luckily, the TCEQ has an answer for this issue in Texas. The EnviroMentor program aids small businesses, non-profits, and local governments in meeting state environmental regulations. The program is supported by many environmental specialist volunteers. One important aspect of the program is that the assistance is provided confidentially and therefore without the threat of compliance enforcement. Recently, volunteers and environmental professionals Therese Baer, P.E. and Rosemary Wyman, P.G. were able to help a Boy Scout ranch and day camp facility near Liberty Hill, Texas come into compliance.
When the land was originally purchased, the Boy Scouts Capital Area Council was unaware that the permitting process was necessary. Unbeknownst to them, the council had been operating what was technically defined as a public drinking-water system at the camp. The permitting process requires professionals to determine whether the well’s water supply is currently safe for drinking and is anticipated to be safe to use in the future. The EnviroMentor program volunteers worked with the Boy Scout leaders to obtain the required approval from the TCEQ for the onsite water well so that it can be used to hydrate visitors to the ranch. This process includes understanding and improving the infrastructure (storage tank, pipelines, and physical well structure) that supports the operation of the well.
Visit the links below to learn more about TCEQ’s EnviroMentor program or the work done on the Boy Scout propery.
EnviroMentors Help the Boy Scouts “Be Prepared”